Sunday, March 20, 2011

Get on with it woman

Things that are hard:

-Dressing a small person who doesn't want to let go of their toes
-Eating well when you only have one hand free and there are delicious vanilla and poppyseed cupcakes sitting temptingly on the bench at 8am
-Finishing my knitting once I am bored with it! It takes me almost as long to seam and sew on buttons as it does to actually knit the pieces.

-Sewing with wool that breaks at annoyingly impractical points in your seams. Although, this tweed does come together really nicely, leaving almost invisible joins and making me feel accomplished.

Things that are easy:

-Staying in your dressing gown until well past midday
-Wasting time in a ravelry-gmail-facebook loop
-Linen stitch! I am making a cowl (ostensibly for Bojana, but it's looking very small. If it blocks ok I'll drag it over my own head and keep it. If it doesn't then Molly can have it next winter and I'll make Bojana a decent sized one).

This is one of those projects that is clearly not working as it should (size-wise) but is addictive and complicated enough that it would almost be more annoying to rip it all back and start again than it would be to finish and not be able to wear it. I'm not sure it will even fit around my neck, let alone pull over my head but I am happy going round-and-round and admiring my handiwork. Simple things...

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I could be described as a domestic goddess you know. I am nearly always confined to the house for a good part of the day now so to fill the endless hours (when I am not feeding Molly or feeding Molly or feeding Molly) I have channelled my inner 1950s housewife.

There is knitting. This is my first properly seamed garment to date. It's a blue tweed jacket for Molly. The wool looks nice but is a pain the a$$ to seam with! It's very splitty and likes to un-ply itself. So there has been a lot of swearing and tantruming over finishing this. It got worse when I discovered that something was very wrong with my gauge resulting in sleeves that were wildly disproportionate to the body. I took a deep breath and CHOPPED them short rather than re-knit them. Taking scissors to your knitting is stressful and counter-intuitive. However, it's looking like it may have worked. Pictures will follow next time (if I can work out the collar).

There has been baking. This was the cake I made for Cameron's birthday. It was a rosemary cake and smelled awesome. But I had to store it in a container that had housed parmesan cheese which ruined the effect somewhat.

And there is always laundry.

Tell me of your life.