Saturday, January 30, 2010
The wool that will NOT end.
I bought 4 skeins of this stuff because I love the colour and it was on sale. But I am fast getting sick of it because it just doesn't ever seem to run out! I have made 4 things from it now and I still have a whole ball left! First thing I made was this shrug (which has been very useful!).
Then I made a little bat toy (for fun). I got the pattern from the nice lady who I did that wool swap with last year. I used 'safety' eyes, hehe, as I am paranoid about giving things with buttons on them to kids who might pull them off and eat them leaving me in the bad books with their parents.
Then I made a star and had fun felting by hand. Tedious and not awfully rewarding.
And then there is the latest attempt at finishing which I won't show you as it's part of your present...
So I hope you like the colour too! By the way, I LOVE wearing that apron you made me and I get lots of compliments on it. Even from Cameron who I swear wouldn't notice if I started wearing nothing but pvc and did my make-up every morning. Hope all is good in snowy Sweden, great photos, keep them coming!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Down-sizing and up-skilling
Back to basics. This is to be a hat for an African bébé. The knitting group is making some hats for Save the Children, to be sent to Africa in April. This kind of charity doesn't come at a great price - this one is made of the finest acrylic yarn... Oops, looks like it's got all twisted.
I finished the knitting on the sweater on Wednesday - finally! Now it's just sewing up and blocking like anything to make it fit! Once this is done, I'm going to concentrate on baby goods for a while before embarking on my next sweater. A project that large needs to have some interesting bits, but I can't tackle those until I have some half decent skills.
Another picture for you, taken during a late afternoon walk yesterday. It was probably only about 4 pm actually.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tiny Triumphs
Life being what it is at the moment I decided I needed a project to keep my brain busy, and so I thought I would brave one that I have been meaning to start, but am intimidated by. It's a cabled wrap and I failed to notice before casting on that it involves lots of the things I don't like to do. Seed stitch and yarn-overs for a start. I find yarn-overs so confusing for some reason, I know what I am meant to do and it's not like they're hard but they stump me. Still, am going to give it a good go! Oh and it's also the first attempt at using a chart, which is not too bad having used them for cross-stitch, but is slow-going at the moment anyway.
Some cables, these are the ones that sort of worked. There are some which are inexplicably holey and I am wondering if I knitted the stitches in the right order (?).
And here is motivation to keep at it and finish quickly! I got some lovely new wool today from Mel! I love it, very pretty colours. They are (hopefully) going to be a shawl.
Here, to finish, is a random picture of our driveway last night that sent me into a rage at how bloody stupid and thoughtless our neighbours are. Seriously! Who thinks this type of behaviour (i.e. childish and f*cking rude) is ok? Emailed this photo to landlord and told him he is in breach of our cross-lease agreement by allowing his wretched tenants to do this (daily). We will see how that goes.
Hope your jumper is done! Hi to Tim and lots of love to you : )
Friday, January 22, 2010
Holy Cowl
It's hot here (and humid and rainy at the same time) which isn't ideal knitting weather. I am jealous of you in the cold! But I am knitting anyway and just making small things. So I made these 2 cowls, both of which are really easy and quick, and if you like one I'll make it for you!

The purple one I made just because I love the wool/colours so much, but the blue is probably the one I'll wear more often because it's really cosy and snug, so no chills get down your neck.
ETA: there is a random empty post below this, sorry. I hit something while typing and don't know how to fix it. Just ignore.
E (again) TA: Ha! Sorted. I am a techno-whiz.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sticking it to Sweden
This will get finished this week. You probably don't believe that though, and you'd have good reason. But it has travelled to the other side of the world with me, so I think it's finally time to put it to bed.
I've rediscovered Ravelry - it's going to be my ticket to new friends in Sweden (hopefully). I've found a knitting group in nearby Malmö, which meets every Wednesday to knit, talk and eat baked treats. Doesn't that sound perfect?
This week will be my first visit - I'm making Ginger Crunch. Good choice?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Little Hearts
I needed to make something small to put with Paul and Inga's wedding present (wedding in 2 days, so cutting it fine) as they have asked for cash, but I wanted to give them something small that they can remember their wedding by. So I made some little hearts and will tie them to the impersonal cash present in the hopes of making it a bit more special. Used the Elna! My sewing is slowly getting there, although I don't think I will be making clothes anytime soon.
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