Thursday, March 10, 2011


I could be described as a domestic goddess you know. I am nearly always confined to the house for a good part of the day now so to fill the endless hours (when I am not feeding Molly or feeding Molly or feeding Molly) I have channelled my inner 1950s housewife.

There is knitting. This is my first properly seamed garment to date. It's a blue tweed jacket for Molly. The wool looks nice but is a pain the a$$ to seam with! It's very splitty and likes to un-ply itself. So there has been a lot of swearing and tantruming over finishing this. It got worse when I discovered that something was very wrong with my gauge resulting in sleeves that were wildly disproportionate to the body. I took a deep breath and CHOPPED them short rather than re-knit them. Taking scissors to your knitting is stressful and counter-intuitive. However, it's looking like it may have worked. Pictures will follow next time (if I can work out the collar).

There has been baking. This was the cake I made for Cameron's birthday. It was a rosemary cake and smelled awesome. But I had to store it in a container that had housed parmesan cheese which ruined the effect somewhat.

And there is always laundry.

Tell me of your life.

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