Thursday, February 18, 2010

The men in our lives as they were 12 years ago

I had a sentimental afternoon looking through my old diaries (cringe), and found this, thought you might get a laugh.

These are some notes that Cameron and Tim gave me in class (' you go. These are from some other people who asked us to give them to you...snigger'), very subtle they are. Obviously I was miles ahead of their mental development and saw through their ruse with no trouble whatsoever.


  1. Ha ha ha - this is fantastic. Tim and I had such a giggle over breakfast. Tim of course professes no recollection of passing notes whatsoever. Cameron is hilarious - the note by "Quinn" is awesome - behind the bike shed...

    Your comment at the bottom of the page, is that made at the time in 1998? So cute.

  2. Yeah that is a bonafide 1998 comment, turns out I was reasonably perceptive : )
