Monday, February 8, 2010

Long overdue

Almost 2 years later I have finally taken a picture of the first knitted item I've made, my pink scarf, along with the scarf I knitted for Tim. I did it so as I wouldn't be so ashamed of my Ravelry profile after finally finding yours and discovering you have uploaded no less than 27 projects!
So here they are:

That's the coat that I bought here too, which I completely love, even though it seems to pick up every bit of lint going, including numerous of my flatmate's long blond hairs. Tim might start to get suspicious...

(Ew, the pictures look a bit yuck, but I had to use the flash today as it's a bit white outside.)

I'm really enjoying getting into knitting more while I have some time, but I have to admit that I feel guilty spending all my time doing just this. I'm not exactly having much success finding work (this worries me of course), so at least I have something productive to do. And which isn't baking, because I just eat that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm so glad you found me on ravelry : ) Sorry, I should have thought to look you up when you mentioned that knitting group. Just as well I didn't upload photos of what I am sending you! Ha. Clever by accidental laziness. I will put some photos up though once you have received it. I hope it finds you, I felt like I was back at primary school writing out that address, looking at your spelling every 3 letters to see that I got it right. Have you been looking for work? It's not much fun. I have lost motivation this week. But yes, you have hit the nail on the head when you say that knitting is good because at least it's productive...that's why I have been making so much stuff!
