Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Number Two

I have to be honest and admit to a photo-fail on this one! I was in such a flap about my first day of teaching today that I forgot to take my camera with me, and 10 came and went ridiculously fast as I was teaching statistics to 28 6-7 year olds. However, I figured it is better late than never and so I took this as soon as I got home!

It is fairly reminiscent of my day actually. Lots of stories and colours and tiny stickers that make the kids disproportionately happy when they see them on their work. I loved most of my day, and it was so nice to have a chance to teach in my own way, which is a lot less loud and growly than I was forced to be on placements. There were a few minor admin blunders when I forgot to send an absence through, and then forgot I was supposed to be co-teaching fitness at 10.15 and blithely continued on in class until a flood of other children poured in and sat down wondering why I was doing fitness inside and sitting down. But nothing too major for a complete beginner! It was a scary, scary thing to close the classroom door behind me and have all those children waiting on me to be a teacher.


  1. This is a lovely photo. It's beautiful what excites children - stickers and stories and glitter.

    Congratulations on your day. I'll bet you did a wonderful job.

    I'd like my children to be taught by you.

  2. Oh. You're so nice Fi, that made my day : )
